Basirat Meaning in Urdu:

basirat meaning in urdu
Basirat meaning in urdu

Basirat meaning in Urdu is the only common origin of the words Basirat meaning in Arabic and Basirat meaning in Urdu. They both mean 'blessed'. Basirat means "Praise"Blessing". It is widely known that both have similar origins.

Basirat meaning in Urdu is the most common among Urdu words having a very religious meaning. Many of them like Basirat meaning in Arabic have an Akhlaq which has a religious significance in Islam. But, it's all in the culture of those who adopt this name as their Urdu one.

Basirat meaning in Urdu has its name from a word "Qerad" meaning beautiful or precious. That word has also been derived from Basirah which means of, or from heaven. In Quran God says that His creation has been like a flowing river of qerad which flows to every corner of the universe. So, they can be translated as, a precious water in heaven. It has a religious meaning.

Basirat meaning in Urdu literally means 'splendour of glory' and does not have any religious connotation. The name had been derived from Persian meaning a river of dreams or rivers of light. They are derived from a tribe called on the Punjabi Kibaki. They were converts from Hinduism and were known for their extravagant clothes, fancy attire and gold jewelry.

Basirat meaning in Urdu is used more for noble persons. It can also be used for an individual who is a religious or pious person. Their life style of living is something that a lot of Muslims admire. It can be a basis for the religious person to consider before he adopts a new religious name.

Basirat meaning in Urdu is also used to indicate a nation state in international matters. Basirat is commonly used in international diplomatic matters for even the U.N and the European Union use it as their official Urdu name. The following table will give you a list of countries that use the basirat meaning in Urdu.

The basis for the basirat meaning in Urdu is found in Quran where God says that there is no god but Allah. And that Islam is the religion of truth. The word 'kibaki' in Basirat is derived from the word 'kabri' which means 'the truly blessed.' So, it can be translated as the 'Bahamut religion' in Urdu.

Basirat meaning in Urdu can be translated as 'free-will' in Arabic. In Quran God says that there is no god but Allah. And that his hand is over everything.

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